Have your say!
We'd love to hear your feedback and celebrate the success of the 'new' Tyndale so far!
Dear Parents/Carers,
Have your say!
As we are nearing the end of the term and what has been a very successful start to the academic year, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of the support we’ve received from you so far. We are very proud of our pupils, who have risen to the high expectations we’ve set for their learning, behaviour and uniform and are already noticing a rapid change in their attitudes.
Whilst we’re often communicating with you on social media, our new website, via the office, on the gates and through newsletters to ensure we’re fully supporting your families and your children to feel happy and safe in school, we would like to also request some formalised feedback. We would like to use this feedback to celebrate the success of our school so far and use it to further improve the school in order to ensure we are fully meeting the needs of our pupils and parents/carers.
We’d really appreciate your feedback, so we’d be grateful if you could return the slip that's gone out to all parents today to us Tuesday 22nd October.
Or alternatively, you could respond to the questions below by sending us a Facebook message by clicking the link to our official Facebook page in the top right corner of this page.
Thank you for your continued support!
Mrs K Borrill
Questions we'd love answers to are:
1) What changes have you seen to the school since September that you’d like to celebrate?
2) Is there anything we can do further to support your child’s education?