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Tyndale Primary School

Congratulations Connor!


A massive congratulations to Connor in Year 3! We received a glowing email from a member of the public, praising his kindness for offering to support a litter picking campaign. This has led to Connor receiving his Bronze ‘Environment’ award! Thank you Tania for bringing this to our attention and for your kind words about our school. Connor, we’re so proud of you! #CharacterEducation

May be an image of text

May be an image of sky and text that says "Nurture ADVENTURE AWARDS Visit a major UK city/non-UK country |Take part in 3 different outdoor adventurous activities (OAA) from a prescribed list Attend the Y5/6 residential trip DIVERSITY AWARDS Learn about 3 religions of the world I Learn and memorise 10 phrases in another language| Research a place of worship or an exhibition dedicated to other cultures, visit it and present your findings ENVIRONMENT AWARDS Take part in an event which improves your local/ school environment| Organise an event which improves your local/ school environment| Contribute to a regional event which improves your local environment"