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Tyndale Primary School

Swift Sport Partnership



Thursday 13th June 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

We have been working in partnership with Swift Sports Coaching for just over a year now. We use some of our Sports Premium Funding to increase the access our children get to sporting activities by subsidising the club costs entirely. We will continue to fund these clubs so that they remain free of charge for you. 

We are pleased to announce that we will be continuing this partnership with Swift Sports Coaching for the next academic year!

We have, however, revised our partnership offer and have made some changes that you will need to be aware of. The poster below summarises all of the key things that Swift Sports will be working with us on (After School Clubs, Lunchtime Activities, Enrichment and Mentoring).

Due to demand, it was not possible to continue to offer one club per key stage, every day. 

Therefore, from September:

  • There will be one after school club available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays which will be a mix of all key stages.
  • Spaces for this club will need to be booked in advance in the same way this currently works via our website. 
  • Each club has 16 spaces and these will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. 
  • Due to demand, if you book your child a space in the club and they do not attend twice in a row, they will be taken off the list. 
  • If you do not require the space, then it is the responsibility of the parent/carer to inform Swift Sports Coaching that this space is not required.
  • Swift Sports Coaching can be contacted on: 


In addition to after school clubs, Swift Sports Coaching will also provide lunchtime activities three days per week to model playground games and to engage pupils in sporting activities to promote a lifelong participation in physical activity. 

The Mentoring Programme will be an effective intervention for selected pupils who need some support with their social, emotional and mental health. These courses will be 6 weeks in length and will be coordinated by our PE Leader, Ms Hyndman, in collaboration with our SENDCO, Ms Smyth.

Our new Enrichment Programme will be an exciting opportunity for both staff and pupils to engage in more unique sporting activities such as fencing, lacrosse, orienteering, boccia and curling and will involve all year groups. 

We hope that you’ll be as excited about this new partnership arrangement as we are.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact or see Ms Hyndman, our PE Lead.

Kind regards

Ms K Parkhouse
