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Tyndale Primary School

Child Societies

We have a range of child societies which promote leadership in every role. Child voice is extremely important at our school, and therefore we have created the following child societies:


School Council Ambassadors

We meet regularly to discuss how we can improve different aspects of the school such as the outside school areas or variety of school meals on offer.

The Learning Army

We look for all our learning powers in our lessons and help to support other classes to use their learning powers to improve their own learning.

Class Ambassadors

We help around our school by giving guided tours to visitors and answering questions and passing on important messages to our classes.

Anti Bullying Ambassadors

We work together to support our peers with promoting ready, respectful and safe behaviour within lessons and at playtimes.

Sports Ambassadors

We organise playground games for all year groups and work collaboratively to create warm up and cool down games for our PE lessons.

Eco Warriors

We are in charge of looking after our school environment and making sure everyone is switching off lights, recycling and picking up litter.

Event Planners

We will be organising fundraising events to support charities both in our local area and wider community.